Cities & Communities

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development directs the development of the Cities and Communities around the world. The issues of social, economic, cultural and ecological sustainability are grouped together in 17 goals, consisting of 169 targets. It is about investing in people's wellbeing and reducing inequality, while at the same time preventing biodiversity loss, mitigating climate change and finding solutions for the overuse of resources.

For the residents of municipalities and cities, sustainable development means that they can attend day care, school and work, receive health care and help in difficult life situations, and clean water and electricity for their homes. In addition, sustainability in everyday life means equal and non-discriminatory treatment in schools, workplaces, a clean and healthy environment, the opportunity to use public transport, parks and sports facilities, and participation in the planning of common issues. It is also important to trust that joint decisions are made while safeguarding the well-being of future generations and the carrying capacity of nature. Likewise, it is about how each of us adopts a sustainable lifestyle in which we ourselves take responsibility for our own well-being, nature and climate change mitigation.

Municipalities and cities can enable sustainable lifestyles, for example:

  • Raising awareness among residents
  • Climate education
  • Zoning
  • Organization of transport links
  • Providing recreational opportunities
  • Fair circular economy methods
  • Waste management that encourages a circular economy
  • By means of climate democracy

GF offers consultancy and works for cities and municipalities to improve their influence in economical and ecological sustainability issues and by that also improving social sustainability. Aim of GF works are mainly focused on public real estates (schools, hospitals, offices…) energy efficiency improvement, water consumption decrease, surplus food management/reduction and sustainable waste management based on circular economy and recycling. Coastal-/marine environment conservation planning and actions is also one way of GF works. GF can provide temporary cleanup help for cities and communities on green-/coastal areas. GF actors have a history of participation in marine/coastal- and other environmental conservation projects and the planning of such actions. We also have experience of municipal politics and activity.

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